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Advancing Cardiovascular Health Through Gene Therapies.

Unlocking New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Disease Management.
ABout CardioRegenix

CardioReGenix is a five year research programme.

CardioReGenix is a research program coordinated by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and funded by the European Union. Its aim is to explore and develop innovative approaches for managing cardiovascular disease. The program will employ advanced technologies to investigate how targeting specific genes through genetic manipulation can help reduce the complications associated with cardiovascular disease.

By studying the therapeutic potential of genetic targeting, CardioReGenix seeks to identify new treatment options for cardiovascular disease. The research conducted will focus on finding ways to alleviate the symptoms and complications of this health condition.

Find Out More
17.9 Million
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year.
one third
Cardiovascular diseases accounted for an alarming one-third of all deaths globally in 2019.
human heart svg
8.9 Million
Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death, responsible for around 8.9 million deaths each year.
world peace
IHD affects around 126 million individuals, which is approximately 1.72% of the world’s population.

"A project led by Vrije Universiteit Brussel receives European funding"

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